The dada was done! |
Wow...what a night last night was? Sleep, sweat, and energy was sacrificed for the greater good against whatever had to be accomplished Friday; as Dada Life graced our presence last night in San Francisco at Ruby Skye and the city couldn't have been more excited about it. If you guys haven't been reading the
twitter feed (which...why the hell aren't you?) you would know exactly the thoughts myself, along with the rest of San Francisco, feel about the gargantuan show that was put down at Ruby Skye..EPIC! We also got some very special shout outs and ReTweets on Twitter from the crew at Ruby Skye; which further cements my opinion of them being the greatest club in the Bay Area; bar none. Wow...cannot be put into words. It truly got way crazier in there than can even begin to be described. Luckily, we have more than words this time, we have video! The video compilation will be coming up soon within the coming days. As the days have gotten busier and the weekends have grown more intense, more efforts will be made to get the vids to you guys in a timely manner (along with the full length review that is always done around these parts). Has Ruby Skye gotten a negative review yet? Hmm...do some investigating. I don't think that club can fail, especially putting on shows like this. Until then, keep entertained with this catchy little number below that I found on youtube (not my video!):
Till next time Tremor heads!
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